
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Fatality In House Fire

MCMURRAY (KDKA) — Multiple fire companies respond for hours Monday night in Peters Township.
The fire broke out in a home at the end of a secluded road where an elderly couple lived.
When firefighters arrived the wife was out of the home but her husband was not able to make it out.
Firefighters had to go in to rescue him. The first time they tried to reach him, the smoke was heavy and they had to wait for a pumper truck to arrive.
“And they had said that there was entrapment inside the house,” said Chief Michael McLaughlin, of the Peters Township Fire Department.
A neighbor called 911 shortly before 5:30 p.m. after seeing smoke coming from the home at the end of the street on Clara Lane.
Neighbors told fire crews that an elderly couple lived at the end of the cul-de-sac. The wife had made it out, but her husband was still inside.
“We stretched the line into the house and we were able to stretch the line and continue our search, they found a victim at that time, inside of the house,” Chief McLaughlin said.
Source: 1 Person Dies From Injuries Sustained In House Fire In Peters Township – CBS Pittsburgh

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